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A Prayer to the God who is Enthroned Over the Flood

September 13, 2024

My city is flooded. The river that usually nourishes it has escaped its banks, rushing into thousands of homes, devouring river-side cafes and hotels, gathering furniture, pets, vehicles, and gardens in its torrent. Families have been separated, stranded, and overwhelmed with gulleys of loss. 

Those of us who are dry (and yes, thank the Lord, our home is safe) are doing what we can to help. But it’s an awkward feeling, knowing that all is well in your world while someone else’s has just gone entirely under water. So I pray, and I cry out for God to do what He does, bringing salvation from sludge and mercy from mire. 

Instead of a brown river of mud and destruction, I pray for a crystal-clear flow of life-giving water. Let the imagery flip, Lord, and pour out torrents of your Spirit on this city. Rush into homes and hearts and hospitals, carrying away the filth of sin with the waters of forgiveness. Flood this city with the knowledge of You, God, as the waters cover the sea. Make this place like Ezekiel’s vision of an ever-deepening stream, so where the river flows everything will live.

Send your fisherman out. Out to find those who are stranded on an island of deception and self-preservation. Out to bring in myriad fish of all kinds. May not a tribe or tongue be missed. And in this flood of Your Spirit, cleanse your church of material idols and teach us to cling to an unshakable, unsinkable, indestructible kingdom. May we be so overwhelmed with the fullness of Christ that all else is already loss–denominations, titles, connections, support systems, bank accounts, ministry centers, schools, positions, all drowned in perfect love.

Throw open the floodgates of heaven, Lord! You, who sit enthroned over the flood; You, who reign as king forever. You, who give strength to your people and bless us with peace. Let the waters flow. Let the floods rise. Let the river of life overwhelm this city, in Jesus’ name and for Jesus’ glory. Amen.

(Scriptures referenced or alluded to: Habakkuk 2:14, Ezekiel 47:10, Malachi 3:10, Revelation 22:2, Hebrews 12:28, Philippians 3:8, Psalm 29:10-11)

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