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Colliding With the Call


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If you intentionally follow Jesus, you’ve likely experienced the drain. Perhaps you feel called to your ministry and care deeply about the people you serve but face inward battles of discouragement, loneliness, and flat-out weariness. You’re not alone—studies show that 9 out of 10 Christians in ministry are feeling it, too. But what if your Father wants to saturate your soul, not just use you to build His kingdom?

Through personal stories and reflective practices, Corella Roberts offers six key steps to help you incorporate restorative rhythms right where you are: listen well, create safety, get personal, bring all of you, let God fight, and persevere realistically.

Don’t trudge through your desert, one weary day at a time. Bare your face skyward, faithful one, and catch the rain.


Catch the rain book

A free reflection guide to accompany Catch the Rain

With spiritual practices, scriptures to meditate on, and prompts for prayers and notetaking, this 33-page guide will help you dive into the content of Catch the Rain and find refreshment through connection with Jesus.

I’ve surrendered to following God’s will, but this is not what I expected. Where’s the peace? The joy? The fruit? Did I somehow miss the call, God?

Sound familiar? Those were Corella’s questions, too, as she found herself in a literal and spiritual wilderness after answering the call to become a missionary teacher in remote Alaska. Through these pages, you’ll journey with her to unearth glimpses of God’s purpose for those seven dark years. With tenderness and conviction, she examines the reality of the wilderness in the life of the believer and the scriptural truths that offer hope in the midst of disappointment.

Corella’s story of undoing and rebirth in the wilderness just might be your story, too, if you dare to let God take you there.


Click for "A 14-Day Wilderness Excursion Through the Bible"

A free 14-day Bible study companion to Colliding with the Call

Those who walked the pages of the Bible were familiar with waiting, with discouragement, with uncertainty, and with loss. David, Naomi, Abraham, Elijah, Jesus—they felt what you feel as they trekked through the wilderness. Yet still we know them as heroes of the faith. You’re invited to step into their sandals for an unforgettable excursion—a 14-day Wilderness Bible Study—to discover where your path crosses with theirs. You might be closer to hope than you think.

Live video where I get all emotional over God’s kindness as I hold my printed book for the first time. 1.7k views on Facebook!
