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The Undivided Life Newsletter

Content Sample

Why the Undivided Life, you ask? 

Well, my journey into deeper faith and truer connection with Christ started about six years ago, largely stemming from the idea that God cares about and wants to meet with every aspect of me — not just what I think or do (our expected modes of faith-life), but also my emotions, dreams, and physical well-being.

The whole, true, undivided me, in all my messy humanity, welcomed into the heart of the Father. What an invitation!

If any of my words help you hear that invitation, as well, then it’s all worth it. 

May we grow on this journey together, letting the Spirit touch our whole selves, and so becoming more and more the image of Christ to a world in need.

A Quote to Inspire Your Mind

Slow down and spend a few minutes with the verse above. Linger over the words that stir you, and make this prayer your own.

A Question to Ponder in Your Heart

Do you find one area of your life hard to open up to God? I’d encourage you to prayerfully journal about why you might find resistance there. And in so doing, you just might find that God is already in that space with you.

A Practice to Try with Your Body

If using your body or your out-loud voice feels awkward for you, don’t worry. You’re not alone! Most of us don’t pray this way often, but it can be a surprising place of freedom and healing if you let it.

A Blessing to Blanket Your Soul

I hope that these few minutes of holistic, integrated faith have left you feeling nurtured and a bit more wholly loved.

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