Lord, my companion and guide through life’s mountains and valleys, you have everything packed and prepared.
You invite me to follow you on narrow trails, but around every corner, there’s a glassy-smooth lake.
We sit there. We talk. You open your pack and we eat.
Refreshed, I’m ready to carry on.

The next leg of the journey is rocky. Frightening and dark. Storm clouds brew and sheer cliffs threaten on both sides.
But I’m tethered to you, and you won’t let go–no matter what happens.
If I take a misstep off the path, you tug me back and point the way forward. I have total confidence in you as my guide.
And look! There’s a cabin up ahead. We can escape the storm. I can see a fire glowing warmly through the window and a table set with a feast fit for kings.

I’m no king, but I’m chosen for this incredible journey with you, and even though I feel so inadequate, you say that I’ll lead others on this trail, too.
You’ll show me the good way, the trail marked with love, and I’ll stay on it, becoming more and more like you with each step.
I’m not quite there yet, but I catch the gleam of your mansion in the distance when the sun rises.
That’s my destination, my true home–with you forever.

Have you ever tried to write your own rendition of a Psalm? A dear friend invited me to do this recently, and I’d like to pass that invitation along to you. You also might enjoy reading Psalm 23 in various Bible translations. I enjoy the New Living Translation and The Voice.
Header photo: View over Bonners Ferry, ID, USA
Photo 1: Vermilion Lakes, Banff National Park, Canada
Photo 2: Papa & Rinnah on Border Mountain near the US/Canada border in Idaho, USA
Photo 3: Phu Chi Fa sunrise, Northern Thailand
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