My sunglasses, the sliding glass doors, my phone, the kitchen cabinet … my kids leave their fingerprints everywhere. I can tell where they’ve been and what they’ve been eating just by looking closely at the things they’ve touched. But you know, after living the mom life for a while, I get so used to those fingerprints that I mostly overlook them. They’re just part of my everyday experience.
I wonder how often I overlook God’s fingerprints on my life? I mean, sometimes He leaves a big, gloopy, love-shmeared mess all over my day, and I can’t help but notice it. But most days, the ever-present God’s touch is gentle. Subtle. Unobtrusive.
As I rush in and out of the doors in my life, I rarely pause to notice the evidence that He was already there before me, making the way.
As I swipe from favorite playlists to podcasts to video chats, I rarely turn down the volume enough to hear how He was speaking to me in each song, each episode, or each conversation.
As I plan the next thing and then the next, I rarely give credit to the One who gives me breath for each new day and has already prepared these good works for me to accomplish for His glory.
All the rushing, the noise, and the planning has made me unobservant. And I don’t believe I’m the only one.
God’s ways are not hidden. They’re plastered across the sky. They’re shouting from the storm. They’re captured in that 66-book treasure on your nightstand. But more than that, they’re in every crease of your crumpled laundry, every condensed bead of water rolling down the side of your iced latte, and every thread of color in your loved one’s eyes.
If we are looking for His fingerprints, we can find them absolutely everywhere. The sin-stains of this world are not enough to disguise the blood-red touch of our Savior.
Our problem, then, is not a lack of the activity of God in our lives, it’s a lack of our awareness to it.
If rushing is our problem, then we must learn to slow down. If noise, then quiet. If over-planning, then Sabbath. Different seasons will call for different measures of each of these cures, but I can assure you that becoming attuned to the Father’s constant activity specifically in your life will draw your heart closer to His than perhaps you’ve ever experienced before.
Let’s refuse to allow our life with Christ to become commonplace and overlooked. His fingerprints are everywhere.
Create 5 – 10 minutes of quiet space in your life today, and ask the Lord to reveal several ways He has specifically touched the last 24 hours of your life. You’ll want to have your journal ready.
1 Comment
This is SUCH a good practice. Thank you for the tip and reminder! It’s so easy to overlook HIM.