Your Personal soul care guide
Your soul is the connector and undercurrent of your entire person, and it is worth your time and attention. Nurturing your whole self in the presence of God is a gift you give back to your Creator with a heart of gratitude. It is also a gift to those you serve and love as it enables you to give to them out of the overflow of Christ’s life within you.
In this guide you’ll discover how to:
- Determine if an activity is truly soul care or not
- Eliminate distractions and disconnection from God
- Uncover the unique design of your soul
- Holistically connect with God
- Make a personal soul care plan
want more ways to help your soul thrive?
These posts were created especially for you, the servant-hearted follower of Christ.
do you have a love language with god?
I shove the casserole in the oven, glance at the clock (forty-five minutes until I need to leave is enough time to make cookies, right?), and start scouring Pinterest …
A day in the sabbath life
“If the point of Sabbath is to rest, then yeah, I Sabbath a bit on the weekends. I mean, is there really anything special about an actual 24 hours?” …
A Wilderness Bible study – Yearning
“How lovely is your dwelling place, Lord Almighty! My soul yearns, even faints, for the courts of the Lord; my heart and my flesh cry out for the living God.” (Psalm 84:1-2) …
meet corella
Born and raised in northern Idaho, Corella’s love for books and writing developed at an early age as her imagination was her only playmate for miles. After high school, she ventured off to St. Paul, MN where she earned a degree from University of Northwestern and first heard the call to be a missionary teacher. She married her high school sweetheart, Troy Roberts, and they moved to teach in a village of about fifty people in bush Alaska. After seven years, during which time they almost gave up on missions entirely, God saw fit to rekindle their desire to teach in unreached parts of the world, and they moved to Chiang Rai, Thailand. They have two spunky children who love cats and hamsters, they eat cheap Thai food to their hearts’ content, and they support the amazing community of missionaries there through teaching and organizing community events. Recently, God has invited Corella to return to her passion for writing, and she published a book, Colliding with the Call, about the literal and spiritual wilderness she experienced in Alaska, and the surprise of finding God’s fingerprints all over that part of her story.